This department was established to foster early childhood teachers in charge of early childhood education, and according to the mission and vision of this university, operates with the aim of fostering teachers who can broadly understand and practice the Buddhist spirit with a strong educational mission. In order to acquire expertise as an early childhood teacher, this department aims to cultivate and train teachers with necessary theories and practical skills through expanded academic fields such as early childhood psychology development, education and childcare programs, welfare, health and safety, parent education, and management.
Name | Position | Picture | Major | Final degree school | |
Kim Eun Kyung | Assistant Professor |
Early Childhood Education | Ph.D., Dongguk Univ. | - |
Jo Jun oh | Assistant Professor |
Early Childhood Education | Ph.D., Pusan National Univ. | - |
Ahn Hyun Jeoung | Assistant Professor |
Early Childhood Education | Ph.D., Dongguk Univ. | - |
영유아발달 Infant Development, 불교인성교육 Buddhist character education, 유아교육론 Introduction to Early Child Education, 불교기악실습 Instrumental Music for Young Children on Buddhism, 유아교육사상사 Philosophy in Early Childhood Education, 아동음악 Music for Children, 아동문학교육 Literature Education for Children, 아동미술 Art for Children, 유아교육전공진로탐색 The Career Guide for Early Childhood Education, 유아교육과정 Curriculum for Early Childhood Education, 언어지도 Language Education for Young Children, 아동수학지도 Mathematics Education for Children, 아동과학지도 Early Childhood Science Education, 영유아교수방법론 Teaching methodologies for Infants and Children, 아동동작 Movement Education For Children, 불교영유아교육프로그램 Early Childhood Education Program on Buddhism, 놀이지도 Education of play, 아동생활지도 Daily Life Education for Young Children, 유아사회교육 Social Studies in Early Childhood Education, 아동안전관리 Children's Safety Management, 부모교육론 Introduction Parent Education, 아동관찰및행동연구 Observation & Research in Children's Behavior, 유아교사론 Early Childhood Teacher Education, 아동상담 Counseling for Children, 유아명상교육 Meditation Education for Young Children, 정신건강 Mental Health, 특수아동이해 Understanding of children with special needs, 보육실습 Practicum in Child Care Setting, 보육교사인성론 Day Care Teacher and Personality Education, 아동권리와복지 Children's Rights and Welfare, 유아스마트교육 Smart Education in Early Childhood Education, 유아교과교육론 Theoretical Foundation of Teaching Early Childhood Education, 유아교재연구및지도법 Material Development & Teaching Methods in Early Childhood Education, 유아교육학논술 Essay Writing for Early Childhood Education