Dongguk University Archaeology and Art History is a convergence department of archaeology and art history. Especially , the curriculum has been organized to acquire a correct understanding and expertise of our cultural heritage. Archaeological Art History is located in Gyeongju, a world-renowned historical and cultural city, and is training graduates with the aim of fostering necessary talents in the fields of research, research, preservation, and utilization of cultural heritage
Archaeological Art History is a comprehensive study that studies the past of mankind through material data. In the graduate course, the major is divided into archaeology and art history. Archaeology educates the expertise to restore the past by classifying and analyzing the data obtained from research by excavating remains and relics left by mankind. Art history teaches students to find artistic values from material materials and acquire the knowledge necessary to interpret their loyalty. The purpose of this department is to cultivate professional scholars with academic research skills by conducting education to utilize and preserve material data left by mankind.
Name | Position | Picture | Major | Final degree school | |
Kang Hyun sook | Professor |
Korean Historical Archaeology | Ph.D., Dongguk Univ. | |
Song Un sok | Professor |
History of Korean Sculpture | Ph.D., Dongguk Univ. | |
Han Jung ho | Professor |
History of Korean Craft | Ph.D., Dongguk Univ. | |
Kang Dong seok | Assistant Professor |
Korean Prehistory | Ph.D., Dongguk Univ. | |
한국미술사개론 History of Korean Arty
한국고고학개론Introduction to Korean Archaeology
고고미술사학코너스톤디자인 Cornerstone Design in Archaeology and Art History
동북아시아고고학 Archaeology of Northeastern Asia
야외고고학 Field Archaeology
인도미술사 History of Indian Art
고고미술사학전공진로탐색 Career Exploration of Archaeology and Art History
경주문화유산필드워크 C Fieldwork of Gyeongju Cuitural Heritage
문화유산의이해-유적 I understanding of cultural heritage - remains
중국미술사History of Chinese Art
삼국유사와 문화콘텐츠Samgungnyusa and cultural contents
야외고고학 utdoor archaeology
선사고고학1,2 Prehistoric Archaeology I
역사고고학1,2 Historical Archaeology I
한국탑파사 History of Korean Stupa
공예사캡스톤디자인 History of Korean Art Craft
중국불교조각사 History of China Buddhist Sculpture
큐레이터 실무1,2 Introduction to Museology
한국조각사 History of Korean Sculpture
한국회화사 History of Korean painting
원사고고학 Proto-historic Archarology
도시와 건축의 문화사 Architecture of Korea
고고미술사학취창업세미나 Archaeology and Art History Career Seminar
선사고고학세미나 Seminar of Prehistoric Archaeology
불교회화사 History of Buddhist Painting
스마트문화유산캡스톤디자인1,2 Capstone Design of Archaeology and Art History
역사고고학세미나 Capstone Design of Archaeology and Art History
일본미술사 History of Japanese Art
스마트시티고고학특강 History of Japanese Art