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Dongguk University WISE, Korea-Japan glocal local industry/academic higher education innovation meeting held

등록일 2023.09.04. 작성자 관리자 조회 1008
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Dongguk University WISE held the “Korea-Japan Glocal Higher Education Innovation Meeting” on August 28th and 29th in the seminar room on the 5th floor of the Centennial Memorial Hall.


In this meeting, Japanese sister universities Shizuoka Welfare University, Gyeongju City, and Gyeongju Women's Information High School jointly participated to discover leading models using innovative global higher education content and to provide glocal education and industry based on specialization through topic presentations by participating institutions. ·The purpose is to build an academic cooperation system.


Yi Young-kyoung, president of Dongguk University WISE, said, "Recently, Korea and Japan are strengthening cooperation and exchange in all fields, and efforts are needed to create common value through various content exchanges linked by local governments, universities, high schools, and industries." 


In particular, she said, “Our university plans to promote a specialized glocal innovation model based on the current high-tech learning revolution, and to foster glocal key personnel through a settlement support policy for foreign students in cooperation with local governments and education on Korea’s cutting-edge future technologies.” 


Dongguk University WISE President Yi Young-kyoung and Director of International Affairs Yu-kyung Lee and their delegation visited Japanese universities and temples for four days starting on January 11 to promote internationalization of the campus through the establishment of a glocal innovation model and globalization of Buddhism in connection with the key projects of the Foundation Committee.