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Dongguk History

Dongguk University at Gyeongju
'Together Dongguk'

Innovation and Leap for 2020 Dongguk University


Dongguk University WISE with the prestigious Dongguk University in Seoul provides an innovative and world-class education at local community. Harmonized with Gyeongju which had a millennium history, Korea's long tradition, and one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Dongguk University WISE was founded by the Korean Buddhist Jogye Religious Order in 1978 and is now committed to fostering an excellent leader and professional research.

Dongguk encourages students and faculties to pursue the quality of education by bringing together dramatically diverse life experiences and cultures. For globalization and information & technology toward 21st, students and professors from around the world contribute to the latest theories and practical training in every area of university study. And thus Dongguk serves a variety of health cares and medical services at the affiliated hospital of an oriental medicine and a medical college to the local community. The educational mission of Dongguk is development of the self, a maturing process enhanced by exposure to people of diverse backgrounds, opinions, and value systems. For thousands of new students each year, Dongguk will continue to go a great step on a lifelong journey of self-discovery, service to others, and spiritual enlightenment. The educational mission of Dongguk is development of the self, a maturing process enhanced by exposure to people of diverse backgrounds, opinions, and value systems. For thousands of new students each year, Dongguk will continue to go a great step on a lifelong journey of self-discovery, service to others, and spiritual enlightenment.

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