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Global Leader

대학교 아이콘


Seasonal program aimed at promoting global competency through foreign language education and cultural experiences at sister universities in English-speaking universities that have signed agreements with our university to develop students' global citizenship and acquire interpersonal skills


Section Program Subject
General feild General English + Cultural experiences etc WISE Campus
Medical feild Medical English + Medical Special Lecture + Medical Field Survey, etc. Medical Center

Outbound period

4~5 weeks during the vacation

Selection period

March~April or September ~October every year


3.5 million won to 5 million won (changable)

Partner University

Partner University
Section Partner University Notes
General Field U.S.A California State University Sacramento (CSUS)  
U.S.A Pace University  
Australia Macquarie University  
Australia Victoria University  
Medical Field U.S.A California State University San Diego (UCSD) Department of Medicine
U.S.A DULA (Dongguk University Los Angeles) Department of Oriental Medicine
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