총 19 개의 게시물이 있습니다.
Dongguk University WISE Campus Signs Academic Exchange Agreement with Peruvian University
Dongguk University WISE Campus Hosts Festival to Pray for the Future of Buddhism, with Over 1,800 Young Buddhist Participants at the Wise Young Camp
Dongguk University WISE Campus ‘2024 APEC Peru – 2025 APEC Gyeongju’ Photo Exhibition Held
Orientation held for foreign students at Dongguk University WISE Campus
Dongguk University WISE Glocal Partnership Agreement
Dongguk University WISE Expands Region-Industry-Academic Cooperation by Attracting Outstanding International Students
Dongguk University WISE, held an international exchange meeting with Chinese high school principals
Dongguk University WISE, educational internationalization competency certification university sign hanging ceremony held.
“I want to go to Conan University for an exchange study next year.”
Ryu Wanha takes office as president of Dongguk University WISE Campus